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Thu, 27.10.2022       Datacolor AG

Media Information Media Information (PDF) Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Datacolor significantly increased sales and operating result in fiscal year 2021/22. Net sales increased to USD 87.4 million (fiscal 2020/21: USD 73.6 million), up 18.8% to previous year or 21.8% in local currency. EBITDA was USD 12.9 million (USD 8.1 million), co [ … ]
Fri, 06.05.2022       Datacolor AG

Media Information Media Information (PDF) Asia remains strongest growth area - Focus on launch of new products and new product development Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Datacolor AG reported solid sales and operating earnings performance in the first half of fiscal 2021/22 despite the negative development of the market environment fro [ … ]
Mon, 07.03.2022       Datacolor AG

Media Information (PDF) Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Despite the volatile market situation, Datacolor, as anticipated, expects a good development of sales and operating profit in the first half of 2021/22. Following an above-average financial profit in the previous year, the company expects a negative financial result in the first h [ … ]
Tue, 07.12.2021       Datacolor AG

Media Information (PDF) Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Shareholders approved all proposals - Dividend pay-out of CHF 35 per share The Annual General Meeting of Datacolor AG approved all proposals of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. The shareholders confirmed the re-election of following previous Board Members, Werner [ … ]
Tue, 16.11.2021       Datacolor AG

Media Information (PDF) Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Strong recovery of business as the economy bounces back from the pandemic - dividend of CHF 35 per share proposed Datacolor recovered faster than anticipated from the economic impact triggered by the pandemic in fiscal 2020/21. This was reflected in a significant increase in orders [ … ]
Wed, 27.10.2021       Datacolor AG

Media Information Media Information (PDF) The strong rebound in sales combined with a downsized company structure and a recovery of the financial markets led to a record net profit. Sales increased to USD 73.6 million (fiscal 2019/20: USD 61.0 million), up 20.6% to previous year and 19% in local currency. EBITDA was USD 8.3 million (USD 1.8 million [ … ]
Fri, 07.05.2021       Datacolor AG

Media InformationMedia Information (PDF) Strong recovery particularly in China - Swift renewal of the product range Datacolor made a good start to fiscal 2020/21. Demand recovered in all markets and many customers released orders deferred in the previous year due to the pandemic during the first half of fiscal 2020/21. Net sales increased by 5.2% ( [ … ]
Fri, 09.04.2021       Datacolor AG

Media InformationMedia Information (PDF) Leap in profit due to above-average financial result - net sales and EBIT margin within previous year's range In the first half of fiscal 2020/21, Datacolor expects net sales and an EBIT margin within the range of the previous year. Thanks to an above-average financial profit in the first half of fiscal 2020 [ … ]

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