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Tue, 06.10.2020       Orell Füssli AG

Media releaseReto Janser appointed new CFO of the Orell Füssli Group Zurich, October 6, 2020 - Orell Füssli Ltd appoints Reto Janser as CFO and member of the Executive Board. He succeeds Beat Müller, who will retire in July 2021. Reto Janser has broad international experience in managing finance and IT functions in industry and service companies.  [ … ]
Mon, 14.09.2020       Orell Füssli AG

Media releaseDésirée Heutschi new Head of Corporate Development at the Orell Füssli Group Zurich, 14 September 2020 - Orell Füssli Ltd has appointed Désirée Heutschi as its new Head of Corporate Development and member of the Executive Board. She will take over the duties of Dr. Daniel Broger, who is relinquishing the position at the end of the yea [ … ]
Fri, 07.08.2020       Orell Füssli AG

Orell Füssli Ltd, first half of 2020 A solid result within a challenging market environment - Robust business model of the Group in an extraordinary market environment - Security Printing: deliveries delayed and new orders secured - Zeiser: healthy order books and high capacity utilisation - Book retailing: strong online trade figures limit th [ … ]

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Monday, 16.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 260th day of the year, 106 days remaining until EoY.